As a working family, finding the best care for your child is an important aspect you must plan for. And you can’t always rely on grandma or grandpa to help you out. However, if you settle for your average daycare, you’re taking away the chance for your child to learn and grow exponentially. And while pre-school may be more up to speed for you, you shouldn’t settle for anything less than the best when teaching and nurturing your child. Thus, so many parents turn to PALS Praise & Leadership Schools as the go-to child care option.
What’s the Difference Between Daycare and Pre-School?
To understand how PALS works to set ourselves apart from other child care options, you must first understand how pre-schools and daycares differ from one another.
When looking at daycares and what they offer, they primarily focus on looking after your child while you are away. This involves feeding your children, playing with your children, allowing for nap time, and ensuring they are happy, healthy and safe.
As opposed to daycares, pre-schools offer most of the same things and much more. You can expect your child to be fed and taken care of while in a pre-school. However, your child will also be taught a primary curriculum to help form their minds and prepare them for early education. And, typically, pre-schools teach children from ages 2 to 5.
What Makes PALS Better Than Most Pre-Schools?
Now that the difference between daycares and pre-schools has been established, you’re in a better position to understand what PALS is. On the surface, you can expect much of what you’d typically expect from a pre-school at PALS. However, we make an effort to go above and beyond the “average” curriculum. More than preparing your children for school, we prepare your children for life.
Teaching Virtues
Aside from the typical math and language skills your child will learn from us, we put a great deal of time into teaching your child virtues. Much of what we teach regarding virtues isn’t done by directly introducing the concept to our children, but presenting them with scenarios and guiding them down the correct path. If one child gets mad at another, we work to instill forgiveness. Or, if someone has a difficult time following the rules, we teach respect. When a child is given something from another child, it’s an excellent opportunity to touch on kindness and gratitude. And these are only a few of the virtues we look to help your child understand.
Preparation for Success
Every child is different and prefers to learn uniquely. So, our educators introduce students to various learning styles and find what works best for each child. Part of Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences (a tenant of PALS) focuses on how every individual understands and processes information differently. By finding the specific “intelligence,” your child possesses, we can tailor our teaching style to best suit them. And, by discovering this intelligence so early in life, your child can continue to apply themselves in ways that are intuitive to them, thus setting them up for future success throughout their life.
Learning at a Young Age
While other pre-schools won’t start taking your child for classes until they are over two years old, PALS is different. We set up our curriculum to support infants to 5-year-olds. For our youngest students, we commit ourselves to create an environment that is together stimulating, creative and safe. Slowly, as your child begins to grow older, we continue to introduce advanced concepts to them to continue expanding their continuously growing minds.
Take a Tour and See What We Are About
PALS Praise & Leadership Schools are always open to taking more students. However, during such turbulent times, we understand the need to be extra careful where your children go. So, to reassure parents looking for the right child care, we have taken steps to foster the growth of children while keeping the environment they interact in safe and healthy. And if you’d like to see for yourself, we offer tours for either one of our Peoria locations. To schedule a tour for your family or to inquire more about our educators and curriculum, call us today at 309-740-4463 (Downtown) or 309-228-2505 (North Peoria). Also, our schools are located at 700 NE Greenleaf, Peoria, IL 61603 and 2327 W Willow Knolls Rd, Peoria, IL 61614.