I have given speeches at quite a few educator conferences. I always start with a simple exercise. “Think of someone that you know who you think is successful (this can be anyone you admire from Jesus to your mother to Warren Buffet) and think of the top 3 skillsets that made them a success.” I then take down all the answers. Not once, ever, has any one ever said reading, writing, or arithmetic. NEVER.
Sure these are prerequisites for success, but they are not the skillsets of success. So, why on earth are we focused on teaching mediocrity as the standard, rather than the skillsets of success? Mathematics lend itself to problem solving, but the skillset of success is problem solving, not the ability to add; a calculator can do that.
Through my interviews with successful people, I learned what these skills are and I will be sharing tools and strategies to help you teach them to your child. Make sure you like my page. 🙂