

Read what PAL’s parents
have to say:

I have been extremely happy and proud to be a PALS parent over the past eight years.

Kelly Anderson

It was a sacrifice to send our children to PALS but it was worth every cent.

Jenny Lawless

I was very nervous about daycare and PALS was the best decision I could have made!

Amelia Monroe

Everyone tried so hard to do whatever was needed. No one ever said—”we can’t do that.”

Margaret Withrow

We can’t thank you enough for the excellent, loving care you’ve shown to Lilly and for the peace of mind you gave us. Knowing she was in such great hands with people who genuinely cared for her happiness and well being. We recommend PALS to everyone! You have an excellent program accented with top-notch teachers. We wish we could pack you all up and bring you with us to Minnesota!

Sarah Muir

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